No matter how efficient and expensive your solar modules and inverters are, everything is pointless if you don’t have a good mounting system. How important are these steel bars in order to achieve the desired goal of savings and energy security?
The Philippines has at least 20 typhoons a year, some of them are extremely powerful, just like Typhoon Yolanda, which led to the creation of Solaric Corp. Although sometimes overlooked, solar mounting systems are important because this is how the solar panels connect the entire system to your roof. A good and properly built solar system should be able to withstand wind speeds of 250 km / h and keep the system in place for 25 years or more. It also has to withstand extreme heat and rain, as well as the added weight of the panels, on a normal or windy day.
Mounting racks in the Philippines are commonly installed on the following devices:
roofs – This is the most common type of residential solar system and as Solaric came to be known as the king of rooftop systems. Roofs can vary from GI panels, shingles, clay tiles, or roofer installations and may require different and additional fastening materials from case to case. Roof installations are more efficient because the solar panels are more exposed to sunlight and only sit on the roof. So the roof now has a dual purpose: to keep the solar panels in place and to protect the house below.
floor – Compared to roof installations, floor installations are more accessible for installation, cleaning and maintenance. Mounting systems in this type of installation typically use a foot and ballast or system. On the construction site, concrete blocks are placed to secure the panels without, in some cases, drilling or penetrating directly into the ground or the cemented roof terrace.
Always pay attention to quality
Regardless of where the solar modules are to be installed, it is important that the mounting system to be used is robust enough and can withstand the typical external forces. It’s also worth noting to look for solar professionals and suppliers who will properly assess the location, provide appropriate measurements and recommendations, and have great build quality. You should also pay attention to the type and brand of mounting system that is used alongside the solar panels and inverters. After all, mounting systems are vital to getting your entire solar energy system through thick and thin and keeping it intact.
Turn on the sun
At Solaric we appeal to the Filipino sensitivity for accessibility, service and value. Before we make an offer, let’s learn how to use energy. We identify the best ways to maximize your return on a hard-earned investment. We will introduce you to various strategies to help you achieve your solar goals. We want to ensure reduced expenses and greater savings for you to make this one-time, wise economic and environmental investment. We always do our best to provide quick, efficient and thorough customer service. Not only do we sell solar modules, we also enable solar-powered lifestyles. With this, we aim to provide endless satisfaction by delivering Solaric Service Satisfaction, from permanently reducing the electricity bill to the ultimate ZERO bill.
Solaric is the leading provider of rooftop solar systems
Solaric has made a name for itself in the renewable energy industry as a trusted and respected leader in rooftop solar systems. Based on decades of experience, Solaric has installed more than 50% of rooftop solar systems on residential buildings in the Philippines, achieving significant cost reductions in electricity costs and milestones towards a cleaner, greener and renewable future. We want every Filipino to enjoy the benefits of clean and renewable energy. Welcome to the new generation of solar and sun.
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Contact the solar experts
Further information on solar power systems and solar system installers and experts can be found at click here.
If you also want #TurnOnTheSun then call us at 75040092 or 09178603141 or 09083775577, email or visit
We would be happy to explain how the system works or arrange a viewing so that we can show you options for your new home or existing apartments or businesses.
At Solaric, we turn on the sun.
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